Raul Oscar Martinez (1941)

Born in Monterrey, NL, Mexico in 1941. He is a graduate of the school of Architecture at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, but found his passion to be in painting rather than design. His first exhibition was in 1975 and he had a solo show that same year at the Centro Cultural Arte AC in Monterrey. Following his quick success he moved to Barcelona to study at the Escuela de San Jorge and the Escuela de Artes y Oficios during the late 70's and early 80's. From then on, his work has been exhibited widely in prestigious galleries and institutions such as the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo in Oaxaca, the Museo de Monterrey, the Museo de la Ciudad de Queretaro, Alice Carroll Galleries, Kew Gallery and Gallery 68 in New York City, San Antonio Art Gallery in Texas, Galeria Vell I Nou in Barcelona, Gaph Gallery in La Jolla, California, Heritage Gallery in Los Angeles and Cutzsarida Gallery in Paris France.

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