"Today, my drawings and paintings are recognizable, and this scares me."
Marcos Huerta was born in Mexico City, but he considered himself a "jalisciense" by heart. He studied at the famed Academia de San Carlos. In 1967 he held his first individual exhibition at the Centro Cultural Coyoacan. From 1976 to 1979 he lived in Europe where he had exhibits in different cities. When he returned in 1980 he settled in Guadalajara Jalisco. He joined the Centro de Arte Moderno founded by Miguel Aldana.
Two years later the Ex Convento del Carmen opened their doors to him with a great exhibition along with the launching of the book: "Marcos Huerta: Una Visión del Hombre".
In the book "Cuatro Siglos de Pintura Jalisciense" his style is defined as figurative with neo-figurative tendencies. Huerta himself describes his style as "expressionist figurative". "My subjects are men who are associated with animals like fish and birds and this represents reason confronting the irrational".
In July of 2001, Huerta was featured at an exhibit at the Instituto Cultural Cabañas and his work has become the most representative of Jalisco's contemporary art. Throughout his career he made several pieces related to literature. His last one was in 2002 when he illustrated the "Bestiario" with text by Dante Medina.
Huerta died on May 19th, 2003 in Guadalajara Jalisco.
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