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Ángel Francisco Ardón's bio, signature and artwork
at 32 Reales
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The primitivist movement in Honduras started with José Antonio Velazquez, considered with the highest regard among the artist of this style. The subjects for these works are adobe houses, cobble stone streets, people and domestic animals, priests and churches that stand out over the houses. Ardon Chavez was fortunate enough to be one of the best students of Velazquez and has gone on to maintain and continue the legacy that his teacher left for him. Among the list of collectors of Ardon Chavez's work is former president George Bush Sr.
His first exhibit was held in 1972 and from then he has been a part of shows in Mexico, Brazil, Italy, England, and the US as well as a few other countries.
The artists of this movement stand apart by adding their special visual signature to their works. Just as the priest and dog were the staple of Velazquez, the couple in love is the aide that Ardon uses to distinguish his work from others.
Perhaps his most famous painting is the mural that he made for the United Nations titled "Una Honduras en desarrollo para el año 2000" and "La Feria de San Miguel de Heredia" which now belongs to the private collection of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
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